HYBrid international opportunity
Venetian ESummer
We cannot always build the future for our Youth, but we can build the Youth for the Future.

We cannot always build the future for our Youth, but we can build the Youth for the Future.
“An Erasmus-like Summer Program open to students from all nationalities and with fair selection processes criteria.”
The ESummer is a Hybrid Summer Program organized by ENTER International in Bassano del Grappa(Vicenza) focused on Tech and Business joint with Sustainability. The program is divided in multiple study cases, informal debates, keynote talks and trips that promote cultural exchange among students and the locals.
The Venetian ESummer does not focus on hardskills but on PRACTICAL STUDY CASES and ENTERPRISES EXAMPLES.
ENTER creates a green space for Youth’s voice to be listened to by local lead figures. Leaders are changed by a YOUTHFUL VISION and PERSPECTIVES while Youth can be INSPIRED and LEARN from their experience.
Differently from other programs, the Venetian ESummer aims at creating an appreciation for smaller cities such as Bassano del Grappa. We bring internationality while fighting the negative effects of globalization.
How did ENTER International design and create the Venetian ESummer? How did ENTER happen to be in the first place?
Take a look at our latest documentary “Empower.ed: A Journey on Youth and Sustainability”
“We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future. That is the importance of education in our society”
1600€ Scholarship dedicated to High Achiving students Involved in Leadership Roles
Full-Tuition Scholarship for dedicated and committed students with experience in leadership and/or in educational fields.
800€ Full-Ride Scholarship dedicated to Committed Low-Income Students
ENTER International acts as a bridge to connect Youth with Environmental Leaders and Local realities.
Appreciation of the local territory is key for student valorization and furthering of opportunities.
©ENTER International 2024. All Rights Reserved.
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