Venetian ESummer

We cannot always build the future for our Youth, but we can build the Youth for the Future.


The Meaning behind

Venetian ESummer

It’s not just a typical youth exchange. We emphasize the INTERGENERATIONAL CONNECTION between companies and young people (both from Bassano and elsewhere).

What does the Venetian ESummer mean for Venetian companies? Why should they commit to supporting the younger and less privileged?

Official Supporters

Let's Talk about it.


Post CasaAffari (6)

We connect

Impactful Students.

Venetian ESummer goes beyond a normal summer program, its main goal is to create connections in the local territory and appreciate it as much as our international students.

This initiative aims to involve young people from vulnerable situations and to inspire Bassano with their stories.

But how do we do this?

Our Experience at

Ca' Foscari

This year’s event focuses on entrepreneurship, youth empowerment, and local identity. Who better than the Rezzonico family to speak about both internationalization and entrepreneurship?

Our gala evening goes beyond the international students we bring to Bassano each year; it directly connects with the region and its history.

Our Experience at

Villa Ca'Rezzonico

This year’s event focuses on entrepreneurship, youth empowerment, and local identity. Who better than the Rezzonico family to speak about both internationalization and entrepreneurship?

Our gala evening goes beyond the international students we bring to Bassano each year; it directly connects with the region and its history.

Our Experience with


This year’s event focuses on entrepreneurship, youth empowerment, and local identity. Who better than the Rezzonico family to speak about both internationalization and entrepreneurship?

Our gala evening goes beyond the international students we bring to Bassano each year; it directly connects with the region and its history.

Campagnolo CMP
Campagnolo CMP
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A few days ago, we had the pleasure of welcoming the young students from ENTER international who joined the Venetian ESummer 2024 program. ENTER international is a non-profit international hashtag#youth organization that is committed to raising awareness among young people from around the world, aged 14 to 30, on crucial issues such as the #environment, #technology, #leadership, and #mobility. During their visit, the students explored our commitment in the #sportswear sector and we also discussed how sustainability efforts can have a positive impact on both the local and international community that they themselves represent.
Gruppo EcoRicerche
Gruppo EcoRicerche
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Siamo fiduciosi che ciascuno di loro porterà nel proprio paese una nuova consapevolezza sull'urgenza di prendersi cura dell'ambiente e sui numerosi modi in cui possiamo collaborare. Speriamo di aver alimentato ulteriormente i loro sogni di un hashtag#futuromigliore. Un sentito ringraziamento va a tutto il team di hashtag#Ecoricerche, per la professionalità e la collaborazione nel trasmettere nuove conoscenze a questi giovani studenti e studentesse. Grazie a ENTER international per averci coinvolti in questa esperienza di crescita reciproca.
Paolo Piva
Paolo Piva
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Venetian ESummer is organized by Enter International splendidly led by Polyana Visotto and other young enthusiasts, an event born just 5 years ago but which this year has selected 35 young people from several hundreds who applied from all over the world, and has the aim of let them experience some intense days with visits and workshops with the aim of enriching their wealth of experiences and becoming leaders of the future!!
Agenzia Casa Affari
Agenzia Casa Affari
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Durante la serata si è parlato di sostenibilità, impatto sociale, edilizia ecologica. Noi, gli ospiti di Casa Affari e quelli di ENTER hanno potuto interagire e scambiarsi idee su come innovare il territorio e il globo. Così come per la serata di gala, vogliamo investire nei ragazzi Bassanesi e nel nostro territorio in maniera concreta e costante.

our ESummer Alumni!

educating the next generation of leaders