
Dear Young Environmental Leader...

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The Educational Department cares for both our Student Pool and for Executives/Managers Education.  Here you will be able to check what we have available for you!

All our Trainings & Courses.

Choose how to improve your skills and knowledge for completely for free today! 

ENTER International offers preparatory courses for our events, such as the Venetian ESummer preparatory course, as well as Managers/Executives trainings. These courses are acessible only to our Alumni and Volunteers. There are howver courses free to access to anyone interested in Environmental sustainability. Take a look!

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ENTER Funded Events

ESummer 2024 Preparatory Course

The Venetian ESummer Preparatory Online course allows students to be on the same educational...
17 Lezioni
ENTER Funded Events

Econnected Chairmans Virtual Training

ENTER International offers training to all debate moderators called chairmans. Chairmans are...
10 Lezioni

Articles & Active Learning

ENTER International gathers a large pool of article writers and academics.

Take a look at our articles, and learn more about sustainability!

Effectiveness of educational programs on climate change

What is climate change education? Climate Education is an educational process that aims to promote the necessary knowledge about the causes and effects of climate change. A person with this type of education understands the essential principles of Earth’s climate system, can assess scientifically credible information about the climate, communicate about environmental subjects and climate

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The Willow Project – What do you need to know

Whoever that had Tik Tok on the year 2023 must have heard about the #stopthewillowproject. The hashtag was on the rise in various social networks, attracting the attention of millions of internet users to the operation that is running in the United States. The collective commotion was due to the fact that the current US

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Farmer’s Revolt in Italy

In the past month, several revolts with farmers as protagonists have shaken Europe and have also arrived at the heart of the European Union to make their voices heard. Farmers from all over the 27 member countries coming from different contexts and having different needs related to their specific production, gathered together to protest against

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Results ESummer Ac O

ENTER International The Future of Sustainability. Each year thousands of students apply to be part of the Venetian ESummer yearly cohort. Today it is your turn to find out your results! Were you accepted?  Login to find out whether you were accepted into this year’s cohort! TRUSTED BY

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Can climate change increase the chances of Pandemics?

Because of Globalization, people can travel between continents using ships, airplanes, and trains, thereby increasing the interactions between individuals from other parts of the world. This has contributed to the spread of new illnesses and viruses that other individuals never had been in contact with before. The most recent event was the Covid-19 pandemic that is mostly

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Our Lead Figures