Be part of Econnected 2024 !
Educating Young Environmental Leaders | Official International Debates Session
Educating Young Environmental Leaders | Official International Debates Session
Welcome to this Econnected Application!
Let us guide you into this application. Below you can find some sum-up details about our program. Additionally you will be able to find our website where all information will be sorted out in a detailed and organized manner. Be sure to check out our website before completing this application.
What is Econnected?
Econnected is a series of online international debates open to an audience of any age currently over 14 years old. Participants don’t need to have previous knowledge about sustainability in itself but must be ready to prepare in advance for the debates. During the workshop+debates session, there won’t be any winners or practices that could recall MUN simulations. The program is structured so that students have a discussion forum.
Learn more the different roles at Econnected!
Who are we looking for?
In the 2024 edition, we are looking for youth with a variable knowledge of environmental topics and different English proficiency levels who are ready to improve their communication and critical thinking skills as well as to enrich their sustainability knowledge.
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